Mission Statement
Mission Statement
Provide birthing people with compassionate support and knowledge during late pregnancy, labor, birth, and early postpartum. Actively work to make my services available to anyone who needs them regardless of financial barriers.
Core Values
People deserve continuous care during labor and birth
All ways to birth (vaginally, medicated, caesarean birth, etc…) are legitimate and should be honored as birth experiences
People giving birth should be treated with integrity and respect during labor and birth
People giving birth should have the resources they need to make informed choices about their pregnancy, labor, and birth
Partners of people giving birth should feel supported and empowered during labor and birth
Medication preferences during labor and birth should be supported
Postpartum feeding preferences should be supported, (bottle fed, breastfed, formula, or donor milk)
Privilege Statement
I am a white doula, and I benefit from privileges Black doulas and doulas of color are not given. This is an aspect of systemic racism and a result of colonization and white supremacy in our country.
In America, Black birthing people are three to four times more likely to die in childbirth than their white counterparts. This is a terrifying statistic that needs to change. Black doulas and Black midwives are on the frontlines of that change, read about it here.
It is my responsibility as a white person and white doula to acknowledge my privilege and support the Black doulas and midwives saving maternal lives in our country. I am choosing to support them financially to the best of my abilities as a very new business.
Please read this blog post for more information about how and where I will be donating.